Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grants
The Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grant Program strengthens the capacity of leadership organizations that are working to create a more inclusive and accessible leadership ecosystem in Colorado – as discussed in Boettcher’s Leadership Practitioner Collaborative meetings. These quarterly convenings, which started in 2021, bring together the leaders of leadership programs and organizations to share knowledge, resources, and build relationships.
These capacity-building grants range from $1,000-$10,000 and are intended to support one-time, strategic projects. The grants are distributed to support one of the following project areas:
- Launch evaluation or impact measurement work
- Diversify program participants
- Increase or formalize collaboration across programs or organizations
- Professional development for an organization’s executive leadership
Grants will be awarded after a competitive review.
Your Checklist to Apply
- Must be a strategic opportunity rather than general operating support.
- Must address one of the eligible issue areas.
- Must have at least one staff member, volunteer, or board member attend a Leadership Practitioner Collaborative meeting in 2024 or 2025. Those meeting dates are noted on the application.
- Complete the Catalyst Grant Application (refer to timeline).
Timeline to Apply - 2025
Note: We prefer that organizations only submit one application of the following grant opportunities (Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grant, Rural Catalyst Grant, or Community Connections Grant) per cycle.
Grant Application Window
Summer Cycle: June 2 – 30
Notification of Funding/Declination
August 1
Questions about the grants process for Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grants can be emailed to Garrett Mayberry, grants program officer, at garrett@boettcherfoundation.org.
Additional Types of Grants

Community Connections Grants

Rural Catalyst Grants
We support rural nonprofit organizations with capacity building grants that are a one-time, strategic injection of funds to help solve local community challenges.