
Boettcher Scholars are dynamic, diverse, and service-oriented leaders who remain engaged in their communities long after graduation day. In addition to current Scholar programming, Boettcher maximizes our Scholars collective impact by helping them stay connected to the Foundation and get connected to one another.

Ways to Engage with Boettcher Alumni

For the past 25 years, Boettcher has supported and fostered Scholar and Alumni engagement opportunities that strengthen our community of leaders from the undergraduate years into the future.

Whether it is dedicating their Time, Talent, Treasure, or Ties, Boettcher Alumni engage with the Foundation in a variety of ways—helping us create a vibrant community connected across generations and committed to Boettcher’s mission.

If you have additional ideas or opportunities for Alumni involvement or programming, please let us know by emailing Floyd Pierce at

Give Your Time & Impact Your Community

Share Your Story & Expertise

  • Elevate & Impact Awards: The Foundation is accepting nominations for two opportunities for Boettcher Alums, the Elevate Award and the Impact Award. Winners will be recognized by the Foundation and receive a $4,000 award that will enable them to expand their impact. 
  • Now Accepting Proposals for TED-style Talks:
    The Foundation is inviting proposals for TED-style talks at Ripple Effect. This is an excellent opportunity to share your wisdom and practice your presentation skills in front of a receptive audience of Boettcher community members. The deadline is 9/15!
  • Share Your Life Updates and Stories—Received an award? Recently married? Did something cool? Share with us your personal accomplishments that we can share with our community!

Pay It Forward for Future Scholars

  • Donate to the Boettcher Scholars Fund—Launched in 2023, the Boettcher Scholars Fund was created to increase the number of annual scholarships, increase programming, and support other Foundation initiatives. Whether you choose to support our work with a meaningful one-time or recurring gift, your contribution will help us to build a better Colorado.
  • Gift Planning:—Whether it be through estate planning, donor advised funds, or some other methods, you can leave a legacy in a variety of ways.

Cultivate Connections with Other Alums

  • Ripple Effect – Registration now live!
    This is the big one. Registration is now live for our biannual Boettcher community summit, Ripple Effect, happening February 28 – March 1, 2025 in Denver. Mark your calendars, book your flights, reserve from our hotel block, and do whatever you can to attend this gathering of the entire Boettcher community.
  • The Art of Civil Discourse: Practicing Difficult Conversations: Join us virtually on Wednesday, September 18 for “The Art of Civil Discourse: Practicing Difficult Conversations.” We are partnering with our recent grantee, Unify America, to host a session that we think is relevant in this current climate! 
  • Innovation Summit: Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Awards Program, the theme for this event is to Celebrate, Collaborate, and Connect. We hope you will join us for this momentous occasion.
  • Beers & Bluebooks: An expert will teach us the ins and outs of Colorado’s ballot issues during this nonpartisan event. Join us in person on Wednesday, October 9 or virtually on Thursday, October 10.

Give your time to Boettcher and impact your communities

Share with us your story and expertise

Pay it forward to future Boettcher Scholars

Develop your personal and professional connections with other Scholars


Community Opportunities

  • Serve on the Boettcher Scholar Alumni Board—The board’s two standing committees—outreach and programming—have annual terms.
  • Serve as a Class Champion—Serve as the connector and chief communicator for your Scholar year.
  • Be a Scholar Ambassador—Perform outreach in high schools and communities across the state, specifically about the scholarship program.
  • Assist with Scholarship Selection (coming soon)—Every year, we select a few Alumni to help read scholarship applications.
  • Colorado Boards and Commissions—The Governor’s Office is continually looking for qualified candidates to serve on almost 300 boards across the state.
  • Make-a-Difference Day—Every October we take the opportunity to support our communities on this nationwide annual day of service. Let us know if you know of a cause in your community that Boettcher Scholars can gather for!
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  • Share your Story—We are always seeking writing content on your unique lived experiences as a Boettcher Scholar.
  • Submit an Alumni Recognition Nomination—Every summer, the Foundation selects an Outstanding Alum who is making a difference in their community.
  • Engage on Social Media Channels: Like and/or share our posts, comment on them, and give us recommendations or suggests for content.
  • Share your Life Updates—Received an award? Recently married? Did something cool? Share with us your personal accomplishments that we can share with our community!


  • Lead or Suggest a Topic for Connect & Collaborate—Recommend a topic of discussion or share your subject matter expertise around a subject that’s important to you for our quarterly series.
  • Become a Mentor—Enter into an intentional relationship with a current Scholar/young Alumni to give them your personal and professional expertise.
  • Post Jobs or Volunteer Positions on Opportunity Board: Make the Alumni community a go-to network for sharing and posting employment or volunteer opportunities.


  • Donate to the Boettcher Scholars Fund—Launched in 2023, the Boettcher Scholars Fund was created to increase the number of annual scholarships, increase programming, and support other Foundation initiatives. Whether you choose to support our work with a meaningful one-time or recurring gift, your contribution will help us to build a better Colorado.
  • Other Ways to Give—Whether it be through estate planning, donor advised funds, or some other methods, you can leave a legacy in a variety of ways.
icon of four people holding hands for collaboration grants



  • Join an Affinity Group—Connect with other Scholars on a deeper level and elevate an aspect of your personal life in the process!
  • Host or Attend a Regional Alumni Reception—Volunteer to serve as a host or plan to attend an Alumni Regional Reception; these are typically hosted outside of Denver or in other states.


  • Attend a Connect & Collaborate Event—Grow your knowledge base and network with other Scholars during this quarterly series.
  • Find a Mentor—Enter into an intentional relationship with a Scholar Alumni to gain authentic advice and advance your professional goals.
  • Find a Job or Volunteer Position on Opportunity Board: Leverage your Boettcher network to find unique, fulfilling jobs and volunteer opportunities!
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