Impact Investing
At the Boettcher Foundation, we harness the power of investing to shape a better future. We aim to generate mission-related social impact alongside financial return, recycling Foundation capital back into the community.
Why Impact Investing?
The Boettcher Foundation considers both Mission Related Investments (MRIs) and Program Related Investments (PRIs).
PRIs are impact-first investments that provide access to more affordable financial resources that may not be available through traditional channels.
MRIs are mission-first investments that allow foundations to direct endowment funds toward social impact while maintaining financial returns.
Impact investing provides opportunities to regenerate capital for re-use into more grants or impact investments. This model matches community needs with the right type of philanthropic support. It promotes innovation and is typically more data-driven, leading to more measurable outcomes.

Transformational Impact
Historically our investment areas have focused on Colorado’s critical needs, including capital projects, rural affordable housing, human capital, education, and biomedical research. These areas are a natural fit with our mission and values, and they allow us to make a significant impact in our community.
We define Transformational Impact as a catalyst – a spark that results in something new, that wouldn’t take place otherwise. It takes the impact of philanthropy to the next level. Below are two examples of our impact.

Photo Courtesy of CHAI
CHAI (Colorado Housing Accelerator Initiative)
CHAI stands at the forefront of addressing Colorado’s affordable housing crisis. We are supporting the preservation and renovation of 500 existing affordable housing units and catalyzing the creation of 900+ new affordable housing units.
CHAI’s philanthropic tool—the Tenant Equity Vehicle—empowers families in the “missing middle” to build wealth and progress toward homeownership. This stability creates a positive cycle of community growth.
In summary, CHAI’s commitment to affordable housing transforms lives, strengthens communities, and creates a legacy of positive change.

Photo Courtesy of YMCA of Northern Colorado
YMCA of Northern Colorado
We recently approved a low interest loan to YMCA of Northern Colorado for the acquisition and renovation of a summer camp being sold by Boy Scouts of America, Greater Colorado Council. Both organizations are well-respected nonprofits serving tens of thousands of Colorado youth each year.
This transaction will increase the number of youth they serve by expanding camp capacity and enabling YMCA to provide scholarships to more low-income youths. The YMCA camping experiences offer many social benefits, including socialization and improved self-esteem.
Over the next decade, the YMCA expects to serve and provide scholarships to thousands of campers.
Is my organization eligible for an Impact Investment?
The Boettcher Foundation considers MRI and PRI opportunities on a case-by-case basis. To learn more about your eligibility, please contact our team by emailing
Additional Types of Grants

Community Connections Grants

Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grants
The Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grant Program strengthens the capacity of leadership organizations that are working to create a more inclusive and accessible leadership ecosystem in Colorado.