Doers & Difference Makers Fellowship FAQs
No. Candidates who hold leadership positions are not automatically disqualified. This Fellowship is designed to celebrate and empower informal leaders across Colorado. Those who play an important role in their community but may not have access to more traditional leadership roles and positions.
We believe powerful community leadership is demonstrated by individuals at all ages. However, candidates must be at least 18 by the start of the Fellowship.
The time commitment for this Fellowship can be described as a 9-month commitment starting in September 2024. The program involves three in-person, 1.5-2-day retreats in various locations across the state (September 2026 in Denver; January/February 2026 location TBD; and May 2026 in TBD). Separately, the Fellowship will involve six 90-minute virtual sessions, usually held on a weekday. The cohort will decide on the virtual dates and times together. Fellows also receive 1.5 hours a month of individual coaching, the timing of which is determined between the Fellow and their coach, but will start halfway through the Fellowship. There is no cost to participate in the Fellowship and travel costs will be reimbursed.
Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing structure, accountability, and thought-partnership. Individual coaching is a critical component of the Doers & Difference Makers Fellowship. With a desire to empower Fellows to grow within their current context, an individual coach provides the customized and continuous support needed to tackle each Fellow’s personal development goals. The coach will walk alongside the Fellow starting halfway through program, and extending after the 9-month program ends to provide support and resources to maximize the experience.
No. The Doers & Difference Makers Fellowship is for individuals who work or volunteer in any sector. However, they must demonstrate an investment in, and commitment to, their community.
Community champion is a phrase that is intentionally broad because we understand communities are powered by a wide array of individuals. A community champion could be someone who sees a need and finds a way to fill it. A community champion could be someone who volunteers for everything because that’s just what they do. A community champion could be an important holder of a community legacy and history. A community champion believes in the potential of the community and won’t walk away, even when things get difficult.
We know that Colorado communities across the state are vibrant because they are made up of individuals from a variety of backgrounds, many of whom did not grow up speaking English as their first language. We welcome candidates from all backgrounds, but because the program will be conducted solely in English, English proficiency is required.
The Boettcher Foundation will cover the cost of the program including all curriculum materials, mileage, parking, lodging during the community immersion experiences, and all meals shared together as a cohort during the program and its activities. Meals to and from the immersive community experiences will not be covered by the Foundation.
Additionally, each Fellow will be awarded a professional development grant upon completion of the program to dedicate to further personal leadership development or to pursue training, education, or an immersive experience domestically or internationally.
This program is designed to build both a person’s base knowledge of community leadership and their support network of peers and mentors across the state. Because this program focuses on building a strong foundation, those who have not previously been part of formal leadership training or of statewide networks would most likely benefit from being a Boettcher Fellow.