Alumni Board Scholar Profile: Q&A with 2015 Scholar Daniel Renkert

Boettcher Scholar Year: 2015
Hometown: Denver
University: Colorado School of Mines – B.S. in computer science (December 2018), M.S. in computer science (anticipated December 2019)

What are you currently interested in pursuing after graduating?

I am enrolled in a master’s program with plans to work for the defense industry after graduating in the winter of 2019.

Tell us about what activities, groups, and/or organizations you have joined in college and why you joined them.

As of this fall, I have been doing theatre for almost a decade. So when I came to Mines, I joined the theatre community where I act in, direct, and produce shows. I am also the editor for the Oredigger newspaper’s arts and culture section. I think it is important to pursue passions outside of what you are doing in school to avoid burning out on the same subjects.

Tell us about an important mentor you have had.

When I’ve needed advice, I’ve turned to a lot of professors at Mines. Some of the best career and life advice I’ve received has come from my data structures professor, for whom I went on to be a teacher’s assistant. He worked in industry for years before going into teaching, which is the same path I’d like to take with my career.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

The best advice I’ve received recently was from my stage manager while I was directing a show. We had a rough dress rehearsal for the show, and I was rather stressed. She reminded me that everything comes together in the end. In theatre, perfection isn’t necessary for a good show. As in life, perfection isn’t always worth the stress.

If you could have dinner with one person or a few people from history, who would you choose and why?

I would love to have a conversation with Julie D’Aubigny because she has an absolutely fascinating story which really needs to become a play or a movie. Long story short, she was a 17th century French woman who was an accomplished swordsman, opera singer, and rogue. As an aside, there is a musical about her which debuted in 2017.

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