Colorado Teachers Honored for Inspirational Classroom Leadership

Boettcher Foundation Press Release

Boettcher Foundation Press ReleaseDENVER, May 19, 2022 —The Boettcher Foundation today announced that it is recognizing a group of standout Colorado teachers for their impact and influence on some of the state’s top students.

As part of the Boettcher Scholarship Program, which provides Colorado’s most talented students with scholarships to attend a Colorado college or university, the Boettcher Foundation also honors the teachers who have committed themselves to supporting the high-achieving students who interview for the scholarship as finalists.

“These educators have devoted their careers to motivating and inspiring an incredible group of leaders and learners,“ said Tiffany Anderson, director of programs at the Boettcher Foundation. “We are honored to recognize them for all they do for the young people of our state, their schools, and communities.”

This year’s teacher honorees were selected by the 100-plus finalists for the Boettcher Scholarship. Each educator will receive a plaque, a personalized tribute from the student who selected them, and a $500 grant to be used for a project or activity to benefit students at their school.

“As dedicated and passionate educators, these individuals have championed leadership in their classrooms and helped a talented group of students to strive for excellence,” Anderson said.

A complete list of the 2022 Teacher Recognition Award recipients follows.

About the Boettcher Foundation:

At the Boettcher Foundation, we believe in the promise of Colorado and the potential of Coloradans. Every day we champion excellence across our state by investing in our most talented citizens and high-potential organizations, because supporting their hard work and leadership will enable them to give back for years to come.

2022 Teacher Recognition Award Recipients

Teacher  School or Institution School District
Brett Todd Adams City High School Adams County 14
Jillian Lykens Air Academy High School Academy 20
Sandra Vuletich Air Academy High School Academy 20
Tina Edelein Alexander Dawson School
Kristin Leclaire Arapahoe High School Littleton 6
Teresa Gutierrez Arapahoe High School Littleton 6
Lisa Paulek Bayfield High School Bayfield 10 JT-R
Jeni Montague Big Sandy School-Simla Big Sandy 100J
Kathy Gustad Brighton High School School District 27J
Andrea Binion Broomfield High School Boulder Valley RE 2
Ron Tillitson Burlington High School Burlington RE-6J
Don Daniels Chatfield Senior High School Jefferson County R-1
Courtney Hendricks Cherokee Trail High School Cherry Creek 5
Cameron Gauthier Coal Ridge High School Garfield RE-2
Tracy Wilson Colorado Rocky Mountain School Private
Karen Jordan Colorado Springs Early Colleges High School Charter School Institute
Kelly Chappell Colorado State University
Eric Friesen Columbine High School Jefferson County R-1
Kyle Yeh Coronado High School Colorado Springs 11
Ryan Christensen Cotopaxi High School Cotopaxi RE-3
Charlotte Camp Crested Butte Community School Gunnison Watershed RE1J
Katherine Páez Dakota Ridge High School Jefferson County R-1
Michelle Guerra Dakota Ridge High School Jefferson County R-1
Jakob Meils Denver East High School Denver County 1
John Jonas Denver North High School Denver County 1
Megen Gilman Denver North High School Denver County 1
Moss Kaplan Denver School of the Arts Denver County 1
Lance McClure Denver South High School Denver County 1
Steve Franklin D’Evelyn Jr/Sr High School Jefferson County R-1
Samantha Williams Discovery Canyon High School Academy 20
Kricket Lewis Durango High School Durango 9-R
Danelle Rivera Eagle Valley High School Eagle County RE 50
David Frantom Eaglecrest High School Cherry Creek 5
Paul Strode Fairview High School Boulder Valley RE 2
Kristin Shapiro Florence High School Fremont RE-2
Christine Matthie Fort Collins High School Poudre R-1
Kenneth Monks Front Range Community College
Kyle Hirsch Gateway High School Adams-Arapahoe 28J
Angela Danley George Washington High School Denver County 1
Teacher  School or Institution  School District
Christopher Hubble George Washington High School Denver County 1
Thomas Frasier Greeley Central High School Greeley 6
Brian Hayenga Hinkley High School Adams-Arapahoe 28J
Jennifer Van Gundy Hinkley High School Adams-Arapahoe 28J
Susan Hartley Hinkley High School Adams-Arapahoe 28J
Ginna Halverson Kent Denver School
David Martin Lakewood High School Jefferson County R-1
Jenna Randle Lamar High School Lamar RE-2
Jennifer Cooper Legacy High School Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Joshua Sloane Legacy High School Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Tyler Arko Legacy High School Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Jenna Butler Legend High School Douglas County RE 1
Rodney Stutzman Littleton High School Cherry Creek 5
Dena Herskind-Palser Lone Star Undivided High School Lone Star 101
Chris Chou Longmont High School St Vrain Valley RE 1J
Katharine Ellis Monarch High School Boulder Valley RE 2
Keith Mainland Monarch High School Boulder Valley RE 2
Katie Allison Mountain Vista High School Douglas County RE 1
Mike McGuire Mullen High School
Teresa Ewing Niwot High School St Vrain Valley RE 1J
Lynnette Weddle North Park High School North Park R-1
Melissa Williford Northglenn High School Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Diane Patterson Northridge High School Greeley 6
Dana Hansen Overland High School Cherry Creek 5
Kara Billings Overland High School Cherry Creek 5
Joshua Kurz Pagosa Springs High School Archuleta County 50 JT
Kim Popick Palisade High School Mesa County Valley 51
Allen Hankla Peak to Peak Charter School Boulder Valley RE 2
Kurt Schaefer Peak to Peak Charter School Boulder Valley RE 2
Kate Margrave Pine Creek High School Academy 20
Gillian Lange Pomona High School Jefferson County R-1
Kayla Diaz Ponderosa High School Douglas County RE 1
Carrie Gongaware Primero High School Primero Reorganized 2
Jodi Crane-Murphy Pueblo Centennial High School Pueblo City 60
Joanne Griego Pueblo Central High School Pueblo City 60
Joanne Griego Pueblo Central High School Pueblo City 60
Vicki Bowker Pueblo County High School Pueblo County 70
Johanna Woelfel Pueblo West High School Pueblo County 70
Nicole McHenry Pueblo West High School Pueblo County 70
Jenny Braketa Ralston Valley Senior High School Jefferson County R-1
Trisha Anthony Rampart High School Academy 20
Randy Mills Rangeview High School Adams-Arapahoe 28J
Tina Phibbs Riverdale Ridge High School School District 27J
Teacher  School or Institution School District
Julia Dale Rock Canyon High School Douglas County RE 1
Kerry Hinton Rock Canyon High School Douglas County RE 1
Mary Burnham Rock Canyon High School Douglas County RE 1
Kenyon Scheurman Rocky Mountain High School Poudre R-1
Kayla Sommers Roosevelt High School Johnstown-Milliken RE-5J
Audrey Gamache Salida High School Salida R-32
Kelly Landgraf Sheridan High School Sheridan 2
Bryon Booher Silver Creek High School St Vrain Valley RE 1J
Carmen Rubino Silver Creek High School St Vrain Valley RE 1J
Alejandra Larrahona Smoky Hill High School Cherry Creek 5
Kelli Turnipseed Soroco High School South Routt RE 3
Richard Boland South Park High School Park County RE-2
Michelle Hayden St. Mary’s Academy
Justin Pond Standley Lake High School Jefferson County R-1
Lucas Thomas Stargate Charter School Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Gina Wither Steamboat Mountain School
Jenny Shea Steamboat Springs High School Steamboat Springs RE-2
Jacob Wunsh Strive Prep-Smart Denver County 1
Bonnie Grossen Swink High School Swink 33
Jessica Pickering Swink High School Swink 33
Jay Klagge Thompson Valley High School Thompson R2-J
Deborah Molen Twin Peaks Classical Academy St Vrain Valley Re 1J
Theresa James Vista Ridge High School District 49
Tim Cuevas Westgate Community School Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Jeff Dennis Westminster High School Westminster Public Schools
Michael Saulmon Wiggins High School Brush RE-2
Chelsea Situmeang Young Aspiring Americans for                Social & Political Activism

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