Rural Catalyst Grants

The Rural Catalyst Grant Program strengthens the internal capacity of organizations as they work to achieve goals outlined in Boettcher’s Rural Leadership Collaborative meetings. Our Rural Leadership Collaborative meetings are quarterly gatherings where rural leaders come together to discuss strategies that advance their organizations, communities, and regions. 

There are two funding cycles to apply for Rural Catalyst Grants.


These capacity-building grants range from $1,000-$10,000 and are distributed to support the following types of projects:

  • Strategic planning: Identifying elements of a blueprint that helps an organization accomplish its goals.
  • Convening: Bringing people, ideas, and resources together to move forward an issue, topic, or opportunity.
  • Short-term staffing or contractors: Supporting employees or expertise recruited for short-term employment contracts to meet limited, one-time support needs.
  • One-time operating costs: Covering expenses related to the operation of the organization or program that are not recurring, such as tap fees, application fees, public outreach, or education material expenses.

Fund work in rural Colorado to move forward on a number of eligible issue areas, including affordable housing, childcare, community-to-community collaboration, mental health, rural placemaking, serving immigrant and/or refugee communities, rural water management, and other. 

Your Checklist to Apply

Questions about the grants process for Rural Catalyst Grants can be emailed to Garrett Mayberry, grants program officer, at Grants will be awarded after a competitive review.

Timeline to Apply - 2025

Note: We prefer that organizations only submit one application of the following grant opportunities (Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grant, Rural Catalyst Grant, or Community Connections Grant) per cycle.

Grant Application Window

Winter Cycle: February 14 – March 14

Notification of Funding/Declination

April 10

Grant Application Window

Fall Cycle: September 1 – September 30

Notification of Funding/Declination

October 30

Staff will review inquiries during the acceptance windows, typically responding within six weeks of receipt, to inform organizations if they will be invited to submit a full application.

Additional Types of Grants


Community Connections Grants

We invest in initiatives or infrastructure projects that bring people together or fosters the connections between individuals and/or organizations.
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Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grants

The Leadership Practitioner Catalyst Grant Program strengthens the capacity of leadership organizations that are working to create a more inclusive and accessible leadership ecosystem in Colorado.

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